Mental Health in Medical Settings Educational Event

Category: GP - Other

Date: July 29th 2014 9:00am until 4:30pm

Location: Gloucester Rugby Club, Kingsholm Stadium, Kingsholm Road, Kingsholm, Gloucester GL1 3AX

Google map
Bringing together mental and physical healthcare in Gloucestershire through evidence, skills and empowerment

Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and 2gether NHS Foundation Trust (Mental Health Intermediate Care Team) are delighted to invite local GPs, practice and specialist nurse colleagues to this event as well as Commissioners, Management (Acute, Care Services and Public Health), GP trainees and mental health practitioners (CPD points available).

This event will offer you an opportunity to develop your own mental health skills in practice, learn about latest research in health anxiety and medically unexplained symptoms, find out more about local primary care mental health provision and find out how to participate in ongoing service development and research across mental and physical healthcare within Gloucestershire.

Guest Speaker: Professor Paul Salkovskis, Clinical Psychologist, University of Bath

Professor Paul Salkovskis is Professor of Clinical Psychology and Applied Science. He is the Programme Director for the Clinical Psychology Doctorate Programme at Bath University and Professor at the NHS AWP Centre for specialist psychology treatment for anxiety and related problems. Previously, he was Professor of Clinical Psychology and Applied Science and Clinical Director in the Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Trauma at the Institute of Psychiatry (2000-2010). Paul has a strong interest in health psychology, particularly aspects of health screening and health decision making. He is widely published and his recent RCT published in the Lancet describes the clinical and cost benefits of working psychologically across healthcare settings with patients with health anxiety/medically unexplained symptoms.

BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL. BOOK YOUR FREE PLACE NOW (full or half day). Priority places for GPs and Practice and Specialist Nurses.

To apply for a place contact: Samantha Metcalfe or Kathryn White, Ambrose House, (units 4&5), Meteor Court, Barnett Way, Barnwood, Gloucester, GL4 3GG

Tel: 01452 894322, Fax: 01452 894418 or via Email Samantha Metcalfe or Kathryn White and you will be sent a confirmation email to secure your place.

For further info contact the event organiser: Alison Sedgwick-Taylor, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, 2gether NHS Trust at Email Alison Sedgwick.

Morning session: Mental Health in Primary Care workshops. Interactive workshops/presentations led by Professor Paul Salkovskis and members of his team and leading clinical staff of the 2gether NHS Trust (Lets Talk and MH ICT)





09:00 - 09.30

Arrival and Coffee

You will be asked to make your 2 workshop preferences during this time


Welcome and Introduction to event and to the 2gether ICT programme



Workshop series 1

Details below*





Workshop series 2

Details below*

12:30 - 13:30

Lunch (provided)

Mental health poster and resource displays during lunch and an opportunity to meet ICT and other colleagues

*Workshops (each 1 hour) repeated in Series 1 and 2 so participants choose 2 they wish to attend:
  1. Mindfulness based Stress Reduction
  2. Managing the patient who challenges us/De-escalation/Conflict resolution
  3. Behavioural Activation (frontline treatment of depression)
  4. Non-medical prescribing in Primary Care: Why, Who, What and When?
  5. Cognitive Restructuring for patients in distress/What did Socrates ever do for us?
  6. Psychological management of Health Anxiety and Medically Unexplained Symptoms in primary care
Afternoon session: Understanding the research and its clinical application to the management of psychological factors in physical health presentations (including medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) and long term conditions: Screening, Assessment and Intervention). Can we do more to help this patient group in Gloucestershire?






Guest Speaker:

Professor Paul Salkovskis (University of Bath)

Managing Health Anxiety/Medically Unexplained symptoms in primary care and other medical settings: Screening, Assessment and Intervention.





Facilitated small group discussions



Feedback/Q&A/ Panel Discussion


