2-day Experienced Educational Supervisors' Course (EESC)

Category: GP - Other

Date: February 13th 2014 until October 17th 2014

Location: Guyers House, Pickwick, near Corsham, Wilts SN13 0PS

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Every three years, Educational Supervisors/GP Trainers need to attend a 2-day Experienced Educational Supervisors' Course (EESC). They are experiential and intensive. You will work in a small group of about six GP Educational Supervisors with an experienced facilitator for three days. There are usually about 12 to 24 participants.

This is when you get a chance to demonstrate your teaching skills using DVDs and role play and get immediate feedback and some challenge in a safe environment. You teach your peers, also ST3s and sometimes GP F2s.

We use the Cambridge-Calgary process to get to where we need to be more quickly. The format is very flexible and will be adapted to the stated learning needs of the participants.

There is a requirement from the GMC to do one of these courses every three years. During the course you will be helped to produce a Mutually Agreed Statement of Learning (MASL) which will help to inform your educational CPD.

The next 2 day Experienced Educational Supervisors Courses are:
  • 13 and 14 February 2014
  • 24 and 25 April 2014
  • 18 and 19 September 2014
  • 16 and 17 October 2014

These courses are held at Guyers House, Pickwick, near Corsham, Wilts SN13 0PS. The cost of this course is £300.00 including £100.00 for evening meal, overnight accommodation & breakfast; £200.00 will be reimbursed shortly after course attendance.