2015 GP Trainee Excellence Awards and Michael Lennard Reception
Category: GP - Conferences
Date: July 22nd 2015
Location: Holiday Inn Bristol – Filton Filton Road, Bristol BS16 1QX
The MDU GP Trainee Excellence Awards and Michael Lennard Reception will be held on Wednesday 22 July 2015, starting at 2pm. The event closes with an early evening BBQ.
Venue: The Holiday Inn, Filton, Filton Road, Bristol, BS16 1QX
Final selection and announcement of winners will take place at the MDU GP Trainee Excellence Awards and Michael Lennard Reception. All ‘graduating’ ST3/4s will be presented with a certificate to mark successful completion of the MRCGP and welcome them as members of the Severn Faculty RCGP.
This is a joint Severn PGME School of Primary Care and Severn Faculty RCGP event, sponsored by the MDU. All colleagues are warmly invited and the event forms the last day of the GPST programme so all ST3/4 GP trainees are expected to attend, as are the GPST1s.
Do come and celebrate all that is best about GP training in Severn at what promises to be an inspiring and interesting event. Please ensure you book your place at the event by completing this very short online booking proforma.
This is mandatory for all ST1s and ST3 Trainees.
Click here for full details.