Bristol DFSRH Course of 5
Category: Training - Mandatory Courses
Date: January 21st 2014 8:30am until 5:00pm
Location: Bristol Sexual Health Service, Central Health Clinic, Tower Hill, Bristol BS2 0JD
Please note that prior to attending the course you must have (confirmation will be required):
- Registered with Faculty for FSRH e-portfolio
- Done e-learning modules 1-15 and 17 of e-SRH
- Had pre course requirement forms (consultation skills, bimanual and speculum examination and im injection) on your eportfolio signed off.
Cost £200 - please make cheque payable to UHBT and post to Nicky Beacham, Bristol Sexual Health Service, Central Health Clinic, Tower Hill, Bristol BS2 0JD
For more information on the DFSRH Course of 5 please see link
Booking Form:
Contact Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Current Post (if on GP VTS please specify):
Please email the above information to DFSRH Training