How to Support Trainees (previously Doctors in Difficulty)

Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Supporting Trainees

Date: March 3rd 2014 9:30am until 12:30pm

Location: Education Centre, University Hospitals Bristol BS2 8AE

Google map


To improve confidence and skills in constructively supporting trainees and addressing concerns


At the end of this workshop you should be able to:

  • Recognise a trainee who needs specific support
  • Understand & describe the factors that cause problems
  • Summarise what is expected of an Educational Supervisor in supporting trainees and tackling concerns
  • Discuss & clarify any concerns with trainees & give effective feedback about this
  • Describe how to document feedback discussions fairly
  • Devise a clear action plan with focused objectives

A half day workshop for Educational Supervisors - Please note, this is requirement seven of the Educational Supervisor minimum requirements and needs to be attended once.


09.30 - Introductions, course aims and start activity

09.50 - How to identify support needs and concerns (Brief input, discussion and video part 1)

10.10 - Referring on - when and who to (Input, and case studies)

10.45 - Coffee / tea break

11.00 - Causes of needs and concerns (Input, discussion and cases re-visited)

11.20 - Getting to an action plan, (Feedback review, video part 2 and case studies re-enacted)

12.00 - Managing the meeting and processes

12.20 - Review and end at 12.30

To book a place please contact Tracy Baudains.  When contacting Tracy please confirm the event title and the date you are interested in attending.