ARCP Panel

Category: GP - Training - ARCP dates

Date: June 10th 2015


ARCP Panel for ST3 trainees finishing training on 4/08/15.

Please refer to the information below which contains links to the Form R and OOH record spreadsheet, both of which require completion.

The following webpages provide further information:

You are not required to attend this ARCP Panel as your evidence will be viewed on your eportfolio.  Please note it may take up to one week for your outcomes to appear on your eportfolio.

If you are unfortunate enough to receive an unsatisfactory ARCP Outcome, you and your educational supervisor will be emailed within 48 hours of the ARCP and invited to attend a face to face interview at the Deanery. This will probably be on the Wednesday following your ARCP. The timing is yet to be confirmed but is likely to be between 9am and 1pm.