Academic Panel Members
- Two academic representatives shall be included within the membership of the panel that conducts the annual review for all trainees completing the joint clinical and academic ARCP. Neither should have been involved in the trainee’s academic programme (Gold Guide 7.98)
- The academic panel members shall initially review and discuss the evidence electronically and will not be required to attend the panel in person unless there are concerns about the trainee’s progression. Academic panel members will be given log-in access to the trainee’s ePortfolio which can be arranged by contacting Severn GP School.
Preparation prior to academic ARCP
- The trainee will have completed Section 2 of the ACF Academic Report for GP ARCPs prior to the supervision review and then emailed it to the academic supervisor.
- After the Academic Supervisor’s review, the academic supervisor will complete section 3 of this document, which is then emailed back to the trainee to be uploaded to the eportfolio learning log under the heading “professional conversation”.
- The academic supervisor may also have given a commentary on the performance and progress of the trainee in the “Educators’ notes” pages.
- The trainee should have put fuller details of their academic learning objectives in the PDP section of the e portfolio. Some Academic trainees may have previously been using a separate academic PDP document and uploaded it to the learning log.
The Assessment of Academic Progress
The academic panel members should assess the academic progress from the evidence within the trainee’s eportfolio as below:
- The ACF Academic Report. This can be found in the learning log (left hand picking list) by clicking Professional Conversation in the top picking list. Confirm that this has been adequately completed. The academic panelists should consider the appropriateness of the Academic Training Programme that has been designed by the Academic Supervisor.
- Further relevant information may be found in the Educator Notes pages (left hand picking list).
- Further relevant supporting information may also be found in the trainee’s learning log under other headings such as “Professional Conversation, Audit/project, Reading, Lecture, Tutorial or Significant Event Analysis”.
Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) Outcomes
- The academic panelists must then consider the academic progress that has been achieved and what academic skills are yet to be acquired or improved.
- Each of the two academic panel members need to agree:
- What competencies have been gained during the period under review
- What significant academic experience there has been.
- What have been the significant academic outputs.
- Additional comments regarding recommendations for further skills or experience to be acquired.
- Discussion on the points above should be had by e mail and shared with the GP Associate Postgraduate Dean (APD) for Assessment. He will then agree a consensus and report to the main ARCP panel. Notes regarding the attainment of academic competencies will be added to the ARCP form in the “additional comments” section.
- The GP APD will paste any additional developmental comments and recommendations by the academic panelists to the trainee’s ePortfolio Educators’ notes page.
- In addition, the academic panelists need to make a decision as to the overall academic progression of the trainee and the appropriate outcome to be awarded as below:
- Outcome 1: The trainee is achieving academic competencies and making progress at the expected rate
- Outcome 2: There is inadequate academic progress in some areas with development of specific academic competencies but additional training time is not required (focussed training)
- Outcome 3: There is inadequate academic progress in many areas and additional training time is required (remedial training)
- Outcome 5: There is insufficient evidence to make any judgment
- Outcome 6: The trainee has satisfactorily completed their GP Academic training
- Outcome 4: The trainee should be released from academic training
- In the case of Outcomes 2,3,4 & 5 additional free text comments should be made regarding competencies that need to be acquired and recommended actions.
- In the case of the unsatisfactory outcomes, at least one of the academic panelists will be expected to attend the full ARCP panel meeting.
- Note: If additional remedial training is required (Outcome 3) then the panel should indicate the intended outcome and proposed timescale. The Full ARCP panel is assessing both clinical and academic outcomes, so that if the academic panelists assess a trainee for academic progress and recommends outcome 2 (focussed training) or 3 (remedial training), but their clinical training was satisfactory (or vice versa), then the outcome of the joint academic / clinical training would have to be a 2 or 3.
- The trainee will not attend the joint ARCP panel during its assessment process. However, if there is an unsatisfactory outcome with concerns about either or both clinical and academic progress, then they will be required to attend a face to face meeting together with their academic supervisor and a representation from the original panel including at least one of the academic panel members.
For further information regarding this guidance contact John Edwards, APD for Assessment
All References in this document are to: The Gold Guide