Mandatory Training Requirements for GP Trainees


Although the GP Curriculum outlines the full scope of GP training, it is recognised that most GP trainees will not cover the full breadth and depth of the curriculum during training. Full coverage of the whole curriculum is therefore not mandatory, which is appropriate, as learning is life-long and knowledge is constantly changing.

Some items of training are mandatory in order to satisfy the requirements for completion of training (CCT), whereas other items might be expected of trainees to meet the requirements of individual organisations where they are working. It is worth noting that the host employer for trainees in Severn, Gloucester Hospital NHS Trust, only stipulates training requirements for those GP trainees who are actually working at some time within their trust. Other trusts, or organisations where trainees have placements, may have different requirements.

The CQC does not have a list of mandatory training for members of the GP practice team, instead it advises that the exact training requirements will depend on the role and specific responsibilities of each practice team member and the needs of the people using the service. It advises that ultimately the practice is responsible for determining what training staff need to meet the needs of their patients. This will include the training expected for trainees working within practices.


See: Nigel's surgery 70: Mandatory training considerations in general practice


The same principle applies to placements within trusts or other organisations, such as out of hours providers. Should organisations have training requirements additional to that required for CCT, then that should be provided by that organisation within contracted working hours.


1) Safeguarding

Child Safeguarding competency requirements are outlined in the intercollegiate guidelines document:

Safeguarding Children and Young People: Roles and Competencies for Healthcare Staff 2019

Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff August 2018

The key changes are as follows:

• All trainees at the beginning of their ST1 period must undertake training in both child and adult safeguarding. This non-participatory learning may be on-line or face to face training and must be documented in the ePortfolio
• There needs to be further knowledge updates documented in the ePortfolio at the beginning of both the ST2 and ST3 years
• There needs to be evidence of at least one piece of participatory learning documented in the portfolio for both child and adult safeguarding in each ST year.

For further information see: Adult and Child Safeguarding Requirements 


2) CPR and AED training

In order to meet the requirements for CCT, trainees need to provide certificated evidence of CPR/AED training that is still valid by the last day of training. See: CPR, AED and Safeguarding requirements

Note that this evidence needs to be present to be viewed at the final ARCP panel. It is not sufficient to state that a “course has been booked”.

Organisations are also likely to expect trainees to be up to date with refresher training for CPR/AED during other placements (such as General practice, ED, Medicine), and it is each organisation’s responsibility to ensure that this is the case.

3) Other “Mandatory” training

Individual organisations where trainees have placements will determine which other necessary training they require. This might include induction training, fire safety, infection control, health and safety and mental capacity act/deprivation of liberty. Usually trainees would be expected to demonstrate the same learning as other clinical staff within those organisations.


4) Out of Hours training

Training requirements have been revised since 7/8/2019 to reflect a capability-based assessment. For further information see this page

Further information is available on the RCGP website