Less Than Full Time Training for GPSTs


All doctors in training are eligible to apply for Less Than Full Time Working. Those wishing to continue their training on this basis, must show that full time training would not be practical for them for well-founded individual reasons. If a trainee wishes to work less than full time they must notify their local APD, TPD or Scheduling Administrator of their intentions at the earliest opportunity and not with less than 16 weeks' notice of their proposed LTFT start/change date.

Trainees wishing to apply should refer to the Less Than Full Time Working Policy and will need to complete the Less than Full Time Application form

Trainees should submit their application as soon as the change in circumstances making them eligible for less than full time working becomes apparent, if the circumstances mean that less than 16 weeks' notice is given, applications will be assessed on a case by case basis. Please send your completed application to your GP VTS admin:

Bath: paulacain@nhs.net

Bristol: Mandy.Price@nbt.nhs.uk

Gloucestershire: ugochukwu.iheme-madukairo@nhs.net 

Somerset: penny.bridges@ydh.nhs.uk

Swindon: michala.king1@nhs.net

The GMC have published changes to the requirements of evidence on the ePortfolio for less than full time trainees. Please ensure you read the guidelines for LTFT pro rata submission of evidence for ARCPs.

Please see some example timetables for trainee placements in General Practice. These are guidelines which can be adapted to suit individual practices and trainee circumstances. 

PLEASE NOTE: If you hold a Visa/Sponsorship to train in General Practice you must inform the HEE Sponsorship team as soon as your application has been approved.