What is the AKT?
- The Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) is a computer-based assessment that forms part of the MRCGP.
- It tests the knowledge base behind independent general practice in the UK within the context of the NHS. Trainees who pass will show they can apply knowledge at a high enough level for independent practice.
- The AKT takes place three times a year at Pearson VUE test centres across the UK.
- Trainees have 3 hours and 10 minutes to answer 200 questions. The questions are approximately:
- 80% on clinical knowledge
- 10% on evidence-based practice (including evidence interpretation and the critical appraisal skills needed to interpret research data)
- 10% on primary care organisation and management issues (including administrative, ethical, regulatory and statutory frameworks)
- All questions address issues relating to UK general practice. They focus on higher order problem-solving rather than the recall of basic facts.
- The GP Curriculum gives an overview of the topics you should be aware of for the AKT.
- You can take the AKT during or after the ST2 stage of GP training.
- A maximum of four attempts is allowed if you entered GP Specialty Training on or after 1 August 2010.
What is the SCA?
- The SCA is a new exam and has recently replaced the RCA (recorded consultation assessment).
- The SCA is an online (remote) assessment of twelve simulated consultations, each lasting twelve minutes that forms the second part of the MRCGP.
- It is conducted remotely in a local GP surgery
- Sat only during ST3 training yea
- Delivered across 9 months of the year - see full info on exam dates and booking windows
AKT and RCA support resources
RCGP Exam Preparation courses
SPEX AKT Hints & Tips
SPEX2 SCA Hints & Tips