What is SPEX?

We are pleased to introduce the Support for Performance and Exams (SPEX) programme. This is a highly successful, evidence-based intervention to help Doctors in Training improve communication skills, learn to “Consult like a GP” provide revision support for AKT and RCA exams, based on the award-winning HEE North West Support on Extension Programme.

The South West SPEX programme is a course delivered online during the general practice stages of training to improve exam success rates. The RCA and AKT exams comprise the MRCGP which all GP Doctors in Training will need to pass prior to CCT. Further information on the exams can be found on the RCGP website.

There are two parts to the programme - SPEX1 Consulting like a GP and SPEX2 SCA.

  • SPEX1 is designed to be an early introduction to "consulting like a GP", and done in General Practice in ST1/2. It is an additional communication course which complements the VTS for registrars that are identified as requiring additional support. The programme is offered by invitation.
  • SPEX2 is individual support during ST3 by an experienced educator, often an AD, TPD or RCGP examiner to improve consultation skills and help pass the SCA.

Each Doctor in Training on the SPEX programme will receive a programme handbook to guide additional support to work through with their ES.

For further information on the programme, please see our SPEX FAQs.

Please see our video about one Doctor in Training's experience of the South West Support for Performance and Exams (SPEX) Programme: