SPEX 2 SCA Introductory Session
Recorded SCA Analysis
SCA Hints and Tips
Video Recording Information
Useful Resources 



  • Half day introduction session in ST3 – consulting like a GP, how to pass the SCA
  • Tutorial with SPEX educator and Educational Supervisor with video analysis


SPEX 2 SCA Introductory Session

This is an introduction to SPEX 2 SCA for Doctors in Training (DiT) who are identified as needing extra support. We will outline the programme and give an overview of the SCA exams including helpful tips. We will focus on the ‘BIG FIVE’ reasons for passing the SCA. Following this session DiTs will be allocated a SPEX educator for their SPEX 2 SCA tutorial.


SPEX 2 SCA Tutorial

This session is an individualised tutorial with the DiT, their Educational Supervisor and a specially trained SPEX educator. Prior to the tutorial the SPEX Educator will watch three consultation recordings made by the trainee and offer advice on consultation skills focusing on the SCA. Following the tutorial, DiT are encouraged to continue to make recordings of consultations and work on their development with their Educational Supervisor.


Recorded Consultation Analysis

FourteenFish: A guide to using the Consultation Toolkit How to use - FourteenFish (you will need to login to access this)


SCA Hints and Tips

SCA at a glance

  • An assessment of twelve simulated consultations, each lasting twelve minutes – audio and video cases
  • Conducted remotely in a GP surgery (usually your own)
  • Sat only in ST3
  • Cases will reflect real life general practice and are based on real patient consultations
  • No change to RCGP curriculum
  • Physical examinations will not be assessed


  • Read the most up to date information on the RCGP website carefully – examples of SCA cases helpful
  • Keep consulting and recording – practice is key
  • Use Consultation Overview and RAG rating to analyse consultations (currently in RCA+ on 14 Fish)
  • Seek feedback regularly - use joint surgeries, COTs and tutorials with ES
  • Practice with peers in small groups is essential – role play
  • Cover all the curriculum areas and fill any gaps – see GP curriculum: topic guides on RCGP website
  • Consider capabilities that make a safe consultation
  • Get a timer on the desk
  • Consider aide memoirs next to phone or computer (Consultation Overview document helpful)
  • Locate room and test equipment – ‘walk through’ online exam platform 7 days prior
  • Ensure do not disturb sign on door to avoid interruptions

Consultation Skills

  • ‘Consult like a GP’ rather than a hospital doctor.
  • Listen and respond to the patients’ answers
  • Make it more like a flowing conversation rather than a list of disjointed questions.
  • Establish ICE (all three) and use them within your management plan.
  • Finish data gathering by 6 minutes
  • Verbalise your thinking and involve the patient.
  • Make a working diagnosis and a clear shared management plan
  • Use Safety netting and follow up appropriately.
  • Remember you are only marked on what you say/show so verbalise diagnosis and any investigations that you would do


  • Each case marked in 3 domains: Data gathering & diagnosis; Clinical management & medical complexity; and Relating to others
  • Specific domains may be weighted towards management – unknown to candidate and examiner
  • Ensure time is managed to cover important points in all 3 areas



Video Recording Information


Useful Resources

RCGP - Introducing the SCA 
RCGP - SCA consultation toolkit
TALC - Consultation Skills