RCGP Exam Preparation Courses 2024/2025

The RCGP have confirmed the first tranche of exam preparation courses between May 2024 – March 2025. Please see below for details, dates and booking links.

For queries about the courses or your booking please contact the RCGP’s CPD Events team on



AKT and RCA/SCA courses

Course type

Course description

Course dates

Course timing

Booking links

AKT exam preparation

The AKT Preparation Course is designed to prepare GP Registrars for their MRCGP AKT Exam and will be delivered online via zoom.

Places on these course are limited.

Tuesday 18th June 2024

Friday 20th September 

Tuesday 26th November 2024

Tuesday 21st  January 2025

Tuesday 4th  February 2024

Tuesday 4th  March 2025


09:15 - 15:00pm

AKT Preparation Course 18 June 2024 course booking link


SCA exam preparation

The SCA Preparation Course is designed to prepare GP Registrars for their upcoming exam and will be delivered online via zoom.


Places on these courses are limited.



Wednesday 8th May 2024 

Wednesday 12th June 2024

Monday 9th September 2024

Monday 14th October 2024

Monday 11th November 2024

Wednesday 11th December 2024


9.00 – 17.30pm

SCA Preparation Course 8 May 2024

SCA Preparation Course 12 June 2024

SCA Preparation Course 9 September 2024

SCA Preparation Course 14 October 2024

SCA Preparation Course 11 November 2024

SCA Preparation Course 11 December 2024  

NHS England pays for one place on the RCGP’s AKT preparation course and one place on the RCA/SCA preparation course for each south west Doctor in Training. If you are seeking an exceptional second funded place on the AKT or RCA/SCA preparation courses then you will need to seek approval from NHS England via your TPD setting out your exceptional circumstances.


SPEX AKT courses

SPEX AKT courses offer more specific support around approaches to the taking the AKT exam and are by invitation only for specific Doctors in Training.
Only Doctors in Training specifically invited to these courses are eligible to book.
Invitations are based on exam attempt history and previous SPEX support.

Course date

Suggested exam diet


Booking link

Tuesday 24th September 

Tuesday 5th November 2024

Tuesday 3rd December 2024

Friday 31st January 2025

Tuesday 11th March 2025

September 2024 or later

14:00 – 17:00

By invitation only


Please note that if you book a place on one of the RCGP’s courses and do not attend without cancelling your place prior to the course, this will be noted and could affect your attendance on a future course.